Radically Natural Recipe: GAPS Fudge, Take Two (aka Fruity Fudge)
I stumbled upon a raw chocolate fudge cake recipe over at Chocolate Covered Katie's site, and it inspired another session of GAPS fudge making in my kitchen. My kids call this creation "freezer brownies," I call it fruity fudge pie, but we all call it DeLICiOuS!!
My first attempt involved raspberries from our neighbor's garden. The fudge was scrumptious, but grainy...I had used the mixer without first blending the berries. So, for my second (and more successful) iteration, I used strawberries and the blender (alas, all the raspberries found their way into our bellies before concoction number two). The results were quite pleasing, very smooth and creamy. You can make it either way depending on your palette's preference for texture.
This recipe will fill one standard pie dish
. You can either blend or mix (by machine or hand) the following ingredients:
1 cup ripe organic berries (or thawed frozen berries with their juices)
3/4 cup raw cacao powder
6 Tb raw grass-fed butter
6 Tb coconut butter -- see Katie's recipe (I used Tropical Traditions Coconut Concentrate)
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 cup raw honey
1 tsp. cinnamon
Spread mixture into pie plate and freeze until quite firm. Non-GAPS folks could top with whipped raw cream; we will top with whipped coconut milk and extra berries. Enjoy!