Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Radical Reading Room

We are quickly approaching the end of the year; it's hard to believe.  I feel like I just became adapted to writing 2012 on my checks, and soon it will be 2013!  I was recently cogitating upon the lofty goals I had for my blog in 2012, and how I failed every one. LOL!  I didn't yet write any of the articles I was planning to write.  But that's one beauty of this grand adventure of life...fluidity.  We must be flexible and see the lessons in every detour.

It's never too early to
foster a love of reading!  :)
Whilst I neglected to fulfill my writing goals this year, I did maintain my book devouring schedule.  As I shared in my "2012 blog resolutions" post, I am a book fanatic.  It's a bit of a disease really, an obsession...addiction?  But I love to read (across genres, fact and fiction), and I hope you do, too.  Acquiring information is an important part of healthy living:  We exercise our brains, and we become better equipped to make excellent choices for pursuing vibrant, thriving lives.  Books and reading in particular are activities that promote beneficial brain activity, as opposed to video/television viewing.

Read it...Do it...
So to make reading good books (and promoting a love for learning) a more permanent and regular part of my outreach here, I am establishing a new Radically Natural Living blog feature...the Radical Reading Room.  These posts will feature reviews and giveaways.  I have not yet determined a routine or frequency, but I am excited to see what shape this will take.

Certainly, book reviews and giveaways are not novel concepts.  But my blog is still relatively in its "infancy" in this web age, so I enjoy initiating new facets of interaction.  Stay tuned! 

I close by extending my heartfelt sympathies to the families in the eastern U.S. who have suffered as a result of hurricane Sandy.  You are in my prayers.